Monday, August 10, 2009


Hey everyone. This is just a quick update letting you know what's been going on lately. So basically Adam Campbell now has his own Vlog on the Blubba Productions channel. He filmed a short sample of what the Vlog will contain but it is nothing close to how good actual episodes will be. We plan to fill them with lots of segments and lots more things going on. You can watch the sample below:

Also, we are taking a short week long vacation from videos so hold tight until next Monday or Thursday before we release a new video! This won't happen again!

Monday, August 3, 2009

New Live Action Series!?

Yep, that's right. We are proud to announce that we are making a live action mini-series based around Devin being dead, or alive. The series will be called "Dead Or Alive" and is basically based around Devin "coming back from the dead". We have lots of ideas for this series and we cant wait to release the series. Episode 1 is expected to be released in 2 weeks and we hope to meet this deadline, though shit happens so don't panic if we don't. We produced a mini prologue video that is basically showing you how Devin is back from the dead. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

New Video Schedule!

Hey everyone!

For the past while Blubba Productions has not been releasing hardly any videos and when we have it has been every so often and not on a constant basis. There is no need to worry about that anymore because for the month of August we plan on releasing 2 videos a week, every week. Yep, that's right. Every Monday and Thursday you can expect a new Blubba Productions video to be released on our channel.

Not only are we producing more videos, but you can expect to see a whole different side of videos from us, hopefully broadcasting our true talent, but still mixxed with our lazy work habits :P

As for the video being released this Monday, all I am going to say is that it was filmed a week ago when a couple of the guys from Blubba Productions went camping. We got a lot of footage which we plan to release in the coming month, but this video being released Monday is a short stupid sketch comedy we filmed when we were there. And yes, it is VERY stupid, yet somewhat funny.

That's it for this update and be sure to watch our video announcing the new schedule:

(Hint: the very short clip shown at the end of the video is a clip from the video being released Thursday!)

Oh, I almost forgot. IF any of you are Keyboard Cat fans, be sure to watch our Keyboard Cat video:

(Hint: That was filmed while we were recording for the video being released Thursday. This wasn't supposed to happen by the way. I was supposed to be brought all the way down but my ankle got caught. It REALLY hurt)

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Once again, we're terribly sorry for not posting anything here for so long. The reality is that there has not been much to post since we have not been too busy with making videos lately. It's early summertime for us so some of us are just relaxing and enjoying our lives, when others like Chris get to enjoy summer school reach ahead.

Anyways, as you may or may not know, on June 25th to 26th we held our annual 24 hours of video games. So basically for a full 24 hours the 6 of us of Blubba Productions went into 2 teams of two in hopes of beating both Resident Evil five and Army of Two within 24 hours. As you may have guessed, this did not happen, nor did it come close to happening. The results were that Adam Campbell and Matt together beat their game first which was Army Of Two. A few hours later at around 6am of the 26th, Chris and Adam Charette together finished Resident Evil 5 leaving both teams no time to beat or even play their second game. As for Michael and I, we basically gace up at around 2am after we were just basically sick of shooting up zombies.

The whole get together ended up costing us 200 dollars in food and video game rental prices. Though this may seem like a lot, I personally think it was worth it because the 24 hours was quite fun and just a good time. For those who didn't tune into our live BlogTV feed in which we basically had running for a good portion of the 24 hours, there will be a video posted soon from clips we filmed throughout the 24 hours. We also had a nice experience at grocery store when we were picking up energy drinks for the 24 hours, but I'll let you guys wait until we post the video of that up on our YouTube behind the scenes account "iamblubba".

In other news, today the Blubba crew trooped it out in the cold and rain (With that said can someone tell me when the hell global warming is going to take effect because it was fucking cold today!). So yes we trooped it out to our local Walmart in which we went into the McDonalds where we ordered 8, yes 8, Big Mac meals super-sized costing us a total of 62 dollars. Why did we get 8 Big Mac Meals? Well we ate 5 of the meals since there was five of us and we were all pretty hungry. But the main purpose was to have the left over meals to blend for the next Is That Even Edible!? video and this is exactly what we did. We took a Big Mac, a box of supersized fries, and a supersized Coke and placed it into a blender to be blended. After about 5 minutes of blending we noticed that the mixture just wasn't going to get to liquid form so we were going to have to drink it in a semi liquid-solid-chunky state. So we did and let me tell you, it was disgusting. All I can say is just never attempt it. We plan to have the video up sometime this week so you should look forward to seeing the whole experience.

To finish up this blog post, I will leave you with some pictures that we took for you guys today during our little adventure:

These are just 2 group photos of us since the camera didn't have a timer so we had to take 2. And yes, that is a onion in Matts hand/Mouth

Above is our marvelous mixture along with a half eaten Big Mac that I placed in it after having no appetite at all after trying the mixture.

Above is a picture of our bikes thrown on the bike rack at Walmart pretty much on top of the other peoples bikes.

EDIT (July 7th 2009)

The video has been uploaded so you guys can enjoy it below. Expect for the footage from our 24 hours of video gaming within a week!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

We're Still Alive

I know that it has been forever since we have updated this blog, but we have all been busy with school and other things with it now being exam time. There is little talk of future videos, but we hope to produce a lot more this summer. Our current goal is to do another thing like we did last summer, in which we spent 24 hours straight with an epic goal of getting all the achievements in Halo 3. We for sure won't be going back to Halo 3 this year and we also plan on changing it up a lot. Stay tuned to this blog in the next week or so with in depth information on what is to come!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

New video

Though it's a tad late to announce, if you have not seen already, we have recently uploaded a new video, well more like series of videos. This video(s) is a interactive game that we have come up with to comically teach you how to pick up girls. Of course if you know us, it's obviously a joke and for the sake of your chance of ever succeeding in life, don't follow our tips. Basically the game is set up with 30 videos linking to each other using YouTube's annotation feature. You are able to choose your character between Matt and Adam and then follow through helping them to succeed with picking up a girl.

Though you as a viewer can finish the game in a matter of 5 minutes, rest assured it took well over that amount of time to produce. The script was worked on during the days of last week and then we went to film Thursday afternoon. Filming took around 3-4 hours, but that included waiting forever for our camera to charge. I then pretty much went home at around 6 or 7 and proceeded to edit the video until around 12:30 A.M into Friday. I then woke up the following morning at 10:30, went on the computer and did not leave my room until around 2:00 P.M when I finally finished editing and putting all the videos up. It was a lot of work, but I really think the results are good. Nothing really went wrong and all the videos were linked correctly. I wouldn't mind doing another interactive game some time in the future. If you have not seen the video yet, you can check it out HERE.

As for our next video, god knows when it will ever be posted. Maybe Chris can import it onto his computer:D

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Welcome to our blog!

Hey everyone!

We have finally decided that there is no need for us to have a website so we now just have this blog where we will be updating you frequently on new videos and what not!

So, currently we have 2 videos shot and they're almost ready for editing. Chris has recently purchased a new HD camera so we are trying to figure out still how to import the clips. We've had some problems, but I think we'll be able to fix them soon enough. One of the videos is a new Is That Even Edible? episode and the other is a completely random video that you will never expect/guess for in 1000 years. Hopefully the next time I post it'll be to announce that the video is finally uploaded!