Tuesday, April 28, 2009

New video

Though it's a tad late to announce, if you have not seen already, we have recently uploaded a new video, well more like series of videos. This video(s) is a interactive game that we have come up with to comically teach you how to pick up girls. Of course if you know us, it's obviously a joke and for the sake of your chance of ever succeeding in life, don't follow our tips. Basically the game is set up with 30 videos linking to each other using YouTube's annotation feature. You are able to choose your character between Matt and Adam and then follow through helping them to succeed with picking up a girl.

Though you as a viewer can finish the game in a matter of 5 minutes, rest assured it took well over that amount of time to produce. The script was worked on during the days of last week and then we went to film Thursday afternoon. Filming took around 3-4 hours, but that included waiting forever for our camera to charge. I then pretty much went home at around 6 or 7 and proceeded to edit the video until around 12:30 A.M into Friday. I then woke up the following morning at 10:30, went on the computer and did not leave my room until around 2:00 P.M when I finally finished editing and putting all the videos up. It was a lot of work, but I really think the results are good. Nothing really went wrong and all the videos were linked correctly. I wouldn't mind doing another interactive game some time in the future. If you have not seen the video yet, you can check it out HERE.

As for our next video, god knows when it will ever be posted. Maybe Chris can import it onto his computer:D

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Welcome to our blog!

Hey everyone!

We have finally decided that there is no need for us to have a website so we now just have this blog where we will be updating you frequently on new videos and what not!

So, currently we have 2 videos shot and they're almost ready for editing. Chris has recently purchased a new HD camera so we are trying to figure out still how to import the clips. We've had some problems, but I think we'll be able to fix them soon enough. One of the videos is a new Is That Even Edible? episode and the other is a completely random video that you will never expect/guess for in 1000 years. Hopefully the next time I post it'll be to announce that the video is finally uploaded!